Friday, August 1, 2008


Ok, I need some serious help here…do I cut my hair? Do I keep it long? Do I keep it brown with highlights? Do I dye it all brown or dye it all blonde? HELP ME! I tried to pick pictures of all short & long lengths I've had along with blonde & brown….so piece them together and HELP!


Carrie said...

I like the last one. :)

*We're Unplugged* said...

The poll I took at the office here says the last one. Everyone thinks it is smokin' hot!

*FYI* I did not really take a poll and I am sure my father would not use the term "Smokin Hot!"

Amelia said...

The last one for sure- maybe a titch lighter!

Rsobie said...

Hi Britt - You know I love it dark and short! Ruthanne

Jewel said...

Definitely short and dark. Maybe not as dark as that last pic, but not blonde.